Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, September 7, 2009

Thank you!

We need to say a very special thank you to Aunt Laura, Uncle Ken and our cousin Leah for providing BabyG with a crib! Leah is a big girl now and thought the baby would like to sleep in her crib. She has also promised to teach the baby dance moves; even if it’s a boy, lol. She is absolutely too cute for words. So, yes, we have a crib (already!) and it is absolutely beautiful. Thank you Aunt Laura, Uncle Ken and Leah!!
The room that will become the nursery has been functioning as our home office. BabyG’s Uncle Jimmy has been over here painting and checking off numerous items on our never ending to-do list before BabyG arrives. Thanks to him, we are now ready to start relocating our office so we can start envisioning the nursery. Once the room is emptied out we will get some before pictures together so every can witness the transformation. Thank you Jimmy!

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