Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, September 5, 2009

The basics, plus a little….

*Our estimate due date is March 11, 2010.
*We’ve known we were pregnant since June 28th and keeping the secret has been torture.
*The first time we heard the heartbeat was July 17th (6 weeks, 1 day) and it was 126 BPM (yes, I cried).
*We don’t know yet if BabyG is a boy or girl.
*BabyG’s most recent heartbeat was 154 BPM on August 27th (12 weeks).

After a decent period of morning (afternoon and night) sickness, I am finally feeling really good. I will admit that in the beginning I found the morning sickness to be a somewhat comforting, though annoying, sign that I really was pregnant. At 13 weeks, I can no longer button my jeans; I am concealing this through the use of a Bella band since I am far from fitting into anything maternity. I crave BLTs and Roast beef sandwiches (hot, with horseradish, tomato, and red onions), which explains why I can’t button my pants already. I’ve regained some control over these cravings to minimize the chances of gaining 80 lbs by the time this is over and for fear of having a 10 lb baby, lol.
12 Week Ultrasound pics will be posted shortly!

1 comment:

  1. HAHAHAHA.. I love it.. Alicia with a BELLY!! Don't band your belly.. give that little one some WIGGLE room, let it all hang out.. this is the BEST time of your life.. let it SHOW!! Bet you have that baby glow already don't you?? Can't wait to see pictures!! Karen's baby bump picture's are awesome.. and I know your's will be too.
