Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, September 14, 2009

Maternity Jeans!?!

Saturday started out wonderfully; we received a card from Brianna (and her mom, stepdad & sister) congratulating us. Brianna is so excited that it makes me even more excited, which I didn’t think could actually be possible but it is. The card was so sweet; she’s going to be such an awesome big sister. From there I got ready to head to Babies R Us to buy a shower gift for one of my friends. As I walked around Babies R Us for the better part of the day checking out baby gear and day dreaming, I couldn’t stop thinking about how uncomfortable I was. I haven’t been able to really button my jeans in about two weeks so I’ve been using a bella band; even that felt too tight. And was I imagining it, or was my shirt getting shorter? Something had to give. When I finally left I headed to Old Navy…..who knew they carried maternity clothes?? I entered the dressing room with the entire maternity selection in tow and most of it was still way too big at this point. Then I got to a pair of jeans that looked remarkably like normal jeans, they sit under the baby bump rather than having the full panel over it; suddenly I could breathe again, and sit down! My first maternity purchase has been made! With a couple of new shirts, I was back to feeling like I could venture out in public without sacrificing my comfort or looking like I belonged on a ‘what not to wear’ special.


  1. awww...totally cute! when are we gonna see a picture of you!

  2. HAHAHA.. Glad to hear you are wearing something comfortable now... give that little one some room to move around and KICK I agree with Auntie Suz... Picture PLEASE!!!! One a month of baby G's growing bump would be FUN to see....

  3. HELLO.. Hello.... is this thing on?? LOL
