Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, September 14, 2009

Maternity Jeans!?!

Saturday started out wonderfully; we received a card from Brianna (and her mom, stepdad & sister) congratulating us. Brianna is so excited that it makes me even more excited, which I didn’t think could actually be possible but it is. The card was so sweet; she’s going to be such an awesome big sister. From there I got ready to head to Babies R Us to buy a shower gift for one of my friends. As I walked around Babies R Us for the better part of the day checking out baby gear and day dreaming, I couldn’t stop thinking about how uncomfortable I was. I haven’t been able to really button my jeans in about two weeks so I’ve been using a bella band; even that felt too tight. And was I imagining it, or was my shirt getting shorter? Something had to give. When I finally left I headed to Old Navy…..who knew they carried maternity clothes?? I entered the dressing room with the entire maternity selection in tow and most of it was still way too big at this point. Then I got to a pair of jeans that looked remarkably like normal jeans, they sit under the baby bump rather than having the full panel over it; suddenly I could breathe again, and sit down! My first maternity purchase has been made! With a couple of new shirts, I was back to feeling like I could venture out in public without sacrificing my comfort or looking like I belonged on a ‘what not to wear’ special.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Week 14!

Well today (actually yesterday) marks 14 weeks and the second trimester has me feeling really good.
I had a doctor’s appointment on Tuesday and got to hear BabyG’s heartbeat again! 150BPM; It seems to be more steady now and not changing as much. I was seen by a midwife during this appointment and she was fantastic; we listened to the heartbeat for a long, long time. Otherwise, not so much else happened. Our next appointment is 10/13 for the big anatomy scan. Provided BabyG cooperates, we should be able to find out whether we’re having a boy or a girl!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Thank you!

We need to say a very special thank you to Aunt Laura, Uncle Ken and our cousin Leah for providing BabyG with a crib! Leah is a big girl now and thought the baby would like to sleep in her crib. She has also promised to teach the baby dance moves; even if it’s a boy, lol. She is absolutely too cute for words. So, yes, we have a crib (already!) and it is absolutely beautiful. Thank you Aunt Laura, Uncle Ken and Leah!!
The room that will become the nursery has been functioning as our home office. BabyG’s Uncle Jimmy has been over here painting and checking off numerous items on our never ending to-do list before BabyG arrives. Thanks to him, we are now ready to start relocating our office so we can start envisioning the nursery. Once the room is emptied out we will get some before pictures together so every can witness the transformation. Thank you Jimmy!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

12 Week Ultrasound

Here are some pictures from our 12 week ultrasound. Yes, they have my name incorrectly listed as Sara.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

The basics, plus a little….

*Our estimate due date is March 11, 2010.
*We’ve known we were pregnant since June 28th and keeping the secret has been torture.
*The first time we heard the heartbeat was July 17th (6 weeks, 1 day) and it was 126 BPM (yes, I cried).
*We don’t know yet if BabyG is a boy or girl.
*BabyG’s most recent heartbeat was 154 BPM on August 27th (12 weeks).

After a decent period of morning (afternoon and night) sickness, I am finally feeling really good. I will admit that in the beginning I found the morning sickness to be a somewhat comforting, though annoying, sign that I really was pregnant. At 13 weeks, I can no longer button my jeans; I am concealing this through the use of a Bella band since I am far from fitting into anything maternity. I crave BLTs and Roast beef sandwiches (hot, with horseradish, tomato, and red onions), which explains why I can’t button my pants already. I’ve regained some control over these cravings to minimize the chances of gaining 80 lbs by the time this is over and for fear of having a 10 lb baby, lol.
12 Week Ultrasound pics will be posted shortly!

Hello and welcome!

Now that our baby news is out, we thought this would be a great way to keep everyone up to date on BabyG! We’re so happy to be sharing our overwhelming excitement.
Thanks for visiting.