Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, July 26, 2010

We have tried everything

We have tried everything to get a good solid belly laugh out of Lily. Mostly she makes us feel like idiots as we pop up saying strange things in an attempt to startle her into a laugh. Well, in comes Dana Banta, talking about how we used to make Christmas cookies and eat the dough....and there it is, laughing, nice out loud belly laughing.


  1. O M G... That is so funny.... Don't you LOVE it...Now we need it on video so we can hear it... :)

  2. I will come back anytime to visit you all. Lilly is such a cutie! I wish we had more time. Next time we will come just to visit you, and Lilly you tell that mama you get to eat that cookie dough! Hugs from us!
