Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Oh China

Lily trying to pet China, lol

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Rice Cereal

Rice Cereal!

Lily had her first taste of rice cereal on the 18th. Overall she really enjoyed it. She wanted to be in control of the spoon which led to cereal all over her face. We have since moved on to oatmeal which she seems to like more than the rice. Now she recognizes the bowl and spoon and gets pretty excited. Next week we will try our first veggie...

Our trip to the pool

On Sunday the 18th we all went to the pool. I was super paranoid about Lily in the sun and the potential for Lily to poop in the pool, lol. Thankfully we were ok on both fronts. I can't say that Lily loved it, but she didn't hate it either.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Meeting my big sister

On the morning of 7/17 Lily and Brianna finally met for the first time. It was such a sweet moment.

We have tried everything

We have tried everything to get a good solid belly laugh out of Lily. Mostly she makes us feel like idiots as we pop up saying strange things in an attempt to startle her into a laugh. Well, in comes Dana Banta, talking about how we used to make Christmas cookies and eat the dough....and there it is, laughing, nice out loud belly laughing.

A souvenir from Cocoa Beach

Sunday, July 25, 2010

another new chair

Lily is tryin to figure out why everyone is so excited about her sitting in this chair

another round in the exersaucer

Chillin in my new chair

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Still loving bathtime

Lily loves her bathtime!

Sound asleep

Most mornings I bring Lily into bed with me for her first meal of the day and we fall back to sleep together for a little longer. Lately I've been getting up and leaving her asleep next to her Daddy. I caught this moment on camera a few weekends ago and just love it.

Lily & Grandpa

Photo shoot fail

"I can see the camera in your hand mom"

"Save me Grandma"

I take a lot of pictures of Lily and I will at times come up with an idea for an adorable photo shoot. Case in point, this adorable purple tutu. As you can see, Lily was not happy with the idea.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Lily on the towel continued

Talking to the trees

After the cold pool experience Lily was laying on a towel outside just babbling away to the trees overhead

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

I prefer warm water

The cold water of the pool was not such a hit with Miss Lily, lol