Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Time is flying!!!

As of today I have about 30 days left, assuming BabyG arrives on her due date (unlikely yes, but, we need some date to count down to). This also means 21 days of work are left, again, assuming I work right up until BabyG arrival. It's hard to believe it's so close and at the same time, I can't believe I still have to wait 4 more weeks to meet her!
Our birth & baby classes at the hospital ended last week. They were actually quite a bit of fun and we learned a lot, especially about the hospital. We got a good tour of the hospital as well so that maybe, just maybe, we'll remember where to go when the time comes.
I go back and forth between feeling like I have ready what needs to be ready, and feeling like I still have a million things to do. I made a list this morning and looking at it makes me feel totally unprepared, lol. Among the important things.....get the car seat installed & inspected, confirm with the pediatrician and wash more baby clothes. Everything else really falls into the nice to have done category. I went to Let's Dish last weekend (thanks to a gift certificate from Becky) and made 8 meals to stock the freezer with. I'll be adding a few more things to the freezer this week. Need to put together the bouncer (I'll tackle that) and the swing (Glenn can take that one), but, I can't imagine wanting to put the baby down right away :)
Well, I have to get back to work, with only 21 days left, I have A LOT to do.

1 comment:

  1. LOL.. Hope you got some of your list done.. cause you have RUN OUT OF TIME!!
    Alicia & Glenn.. Lily is Adorable... Congratulations!!

    Love you guys
    Aunt Cathy :)
