Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, February 11, 2010

A few shots of the nursery

Here are couple of pictures of BabyG's nursery. We still need to hang some window treatments and add a few things to the base walls, but, realistically, she won't be sleeping in there at first anyway so we've got some time. And tell me that this isn't the cutest piggy bank you've ever seen?


  1. Very CUTE nursery Alicia!! Beautiful crib!! Looks like it would match the changing table we sent you... almost perfect! I love how BRIGHT and Sunny the room is... can't wait to see Baby G in the pictures.. LOL.. won't be LONG now!!

  2. Awww it is so cute
    looks like u decided to go with pink
    she is coming soon and i cant wait

  3. OK time for some LILY pictures in here NOW.. LOL

    CONGRATULATIONS to all of you!!

    Love ya's
    Aunt Cathy
