Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, September 25, 2011

animals at the fair


  1. Cute.. I think she needs a PUPPY DOG at home :) Love her outfit :)

  2. OK.. I LOVE these pictures a BUNCH.. But it's time for some Fla. pictures with Grandpa & Grandma now... :) I bet you had a WONDERFUL time... I wanna seeeeeee it :) please -n- thank you :)

  3. See you Thursday :) I'm looking so forward to finally meeting my GREAT Niece after almost 2 years :) I keep checking for NEW pictures of Miss Lily... :( Is your camera broke?? Better add one to your Christmas list.... We need to see pictures of this beautiful baby girl..

    Love ya's... see you Thursday !!! :)
