Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Saturday, September 24, 2011

1st time riding the carousel

My new potty!

Have you ever seen someone so happy on a potty? 

She loved the potty so much she had to share the experience with Elmo

Monday, September 19, 2011


1st Grasshoppers game

Country Park...playgrounds & ducks

'ah, no Daddy, you don't throw these rings & horseshoes on the ground. You where them as jewelry' 


Neigh is a stuffed unicorn that Lily received as a gift from our neighbor. Neigh has quickly moved up the ranks of favorite stuffed animals to the number 1 spot. Poor Sharky & Elmo, at least they can keep each other company....

tiny shopper

natural science center

we go to the science center all the time. Lily was afriad of the goats but had no fear of this big tukey...she ran right at yelling 'gobble, gobble'.


cleaning up

garage sale

 'hmm, wonder where this thing should get plugged in...'

'yeah, that's definitely where it goes'

the first popsicle

'this thing is really cold'

'but it tastes pretty good'

brain freeze, lol

tiny trucker

our little Lily loves trucks and this truck at the rest stop made her night

taking a rest at cracker barrel

random cuteness

do these shoes look a little big?