Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, April 1, 2011

1st Night in Florida

playing with her dumptrucks

Big girl in the bath tub

The night before we left Aunt Becky held Lily on top of a ball and rolled her back and forth; here's Lily rolling herself back and forth on a much smaller ball.

After being delayed from an original flight time of 9:30 until 2PM, we finally made it to Florida. Lily provided great entertainment for the entire airport; crawling around and saying 'hi' to everyone or crashing into them with her little dumptruck. The first of the plane ride was a little hairy since Lily just wanted to get out of the seat and crawl around...she did love her new photo album full of pictures of her & Daddy. Here are a few pics from our first night.

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