Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Lily on the beach (again)

what can I say? she loved the beach so we got lots of pictures...

just chillin by the river

Grandpa's hat

back to the beach

The Easter Bunny!

Ok, so Lily wasn't quite as excited to see the Easter Bunny as I was for her to see the Easter Bunny. Once she learns that Easter candy is the best holiday candy of all she'll get excited to see the Easter Bunny, lol

go heels!

Lily showing her Tar Heel pride

let's take a nice photo

so we try another pose....Lily's hanging on for dear life

Grandma's still nice & happy......

Grandma's happy with the set up...Lily & Grandpa share a worried look

I had this idea that I would take a picture of Lily with Grandma & Grandpa on the boardwalk that runs along the beach on our last night. Easier said than done.....


man, I love dessert

what, you thought I was saying no to a free cookie?

Gelato trance

Lily & Mommy

it's a good thing she's so cute

here is Lily 'eating' breakfast on one of our last mornings in 'eating' I mean chewing up the melon, spitting it into her hand, and dropping it over the edge of the chair while saying 'uh oh'.

this stroller is comfy

you sure this isn't supposed to be a foot rest?

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


and we're back at Grills

'ok, what the heck. One hat wasn't enough??'

'no seriously, why doesn't someone take this hat off of me?'

' 'much more comfortable than the high chair'

'I'm over the jaunty hat jokes and just want to enjoy the cracker please'

Missing Daddy

Lily is missing her Daddy....when we see anyone wearing a helmet she says "Daddy", when we see anyone on a motorcycle she says "Daddy" and when she looks at her Daddy photo album she kisses the pictures. I'm sure it will be a sweet reunion on Sunday.

The newest addition

This is Kiwi, the newest addition to the Rice bird flock. Kiwi was rescued from an animal hoarder style house and is working on becoming a friendly bird. For such a little thing, he's got quite the bite on him. He is beautiful and sings up a storm..... hopefully he gets over his attack bird attitude.

check out my water bottle

just chillin

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Dinner at Grills

On Sunday night we went over to Grills for dinner. There was a long wait and plenty to watch in the meantime. For those of you haven't been....Grills has the freshest, tastiest grilled fish you've ever had. While you wait you can watch everyone cleaning their catch of the day (on Sunday this included a decent sized shark), the pelicans fighting over the fish scraps, 'boat ramp follies' as everyone gets their boats out of the water, and dolphins swimming around.....all this while you sip one of the greatest margaritas ever. What's not to love??

Playing in the waves

Crawling on the beach

Lily loved the beach, absolutely loved it. She crawled through the sand and surf just laughing up a storm.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Feeding the birds

We fed all the birds, then the fish, then the turtles living in the pond at the end of the road. Lily enjoyed the popcorn as much as they did.

Hanging outside with Grandma

Brushin my teeth

uh oh.....