Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, November 15, 2010

8 Months

Wow, here we are at 8 months already (soon to be 9!). Buncher isn't crawling just yet, but, she is working on figuring it out - rocking on her hands and knees, pulling herself with her arms, and rolling after you if all else fails. She has one lonely tooth (bottom middle), but, between that and all of our 'whose a big girl' talk, she has begun the move to real food. At dinner she refuses baby food and is now sampling a variety of diced items. She still waves to herself and has begun pointing at things (especially lights and trees) and giving everyone the 'tell me what that is' look. She continues to say 'dada' constantly and still only says 'mama' when she's crying. She's been working on a 'b' sound lately, but, I'm not sure where that's going (my guesses include - Babe, Bunchy, and Booby, lol).


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. hahahaha you have to try to get her to say brianna...alothough that is a dfficult one...
