Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, May 21, 2010

The Seahorse

Hmm, I think I like this Seahorse and her songs

Look mom, we're making the same face!

Uh, mom, what is this thing laying next to me?
Shortly after Lily was born I kept coming across reviews about the Seahorse. Everyone's baby loved it; the music lulled them to sleep, the glowing tummy kept them mesmerized; I had to have one for Lily. I brought the Seahorse home around Easter, and Lily wasn't all the impressed. I would hold it up and she would look at the glowing tummy for a few seconds, but, that was about it. Now that Lily is a bit older, the Seahorse is beginning to capture her attention.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like the GLOW WORM the Grandkids used to have.. Looks like Lily has a new bff.. for now.. LOL
