Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, May 31, 2010

Lily & Sean

Lily's friend Sean came over and showed her how she would be sitting up and grabbing all the toys on her playmat in no time.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Beware the morning smile

It will draw you in for a kiss, which is also the perfect position in which to catch spit up with your mouth.

Another morning with Daddy

Lily & Lumpy

We introduced Lily to Lumpy (Lumpy the elephant attached to a blanket) the other night and it quickly became a favorite.

3 Months!

It is impossible to beleive that Lily is already 3 months old. She's weighing in at just over 12 lbs and 24 inches long. She has changed so much; sleeping 6-7 hours at night, reaching for toys, mimicking sounds and smiling for everything but the camera.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Friday, May 21, 2010

The Seahorse

Hmm, I think I like this Seahorse and her songs

Look mom, we're making the same face!

Uh, mom, what is this thing laying next to me?
Shortly after Lily was born I kept coming across reviews about the Seahorse. Everyone's baby loved it; the music lulled them to sleep, the glowing tummy kept them mesmerized; I had to have one for Lily. I brought the Seahorse home around Easter, and Lily wasn't all the impressed. I would hold it up and she would look at the glowing tummy for a few seconds, but, that was about it. Now that Lily is a bit older, the Seahorse is beginning to capture her attention.

Lily's 1st pair of jeans

Lily modeling her 1st pair of jeans

Reaching for Toys

Last night Lily reached out and grabbed on to a toy for the first time. She is fascinated (and sometimes frustrated) by her hands and their ability to touch things. It is so much fun to watch her reaching for everything and startling herself when she grabs something that makes noise. She also loves to grab my shirt, my hair, or anything else she can get to while I'm holding her.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

The long ride home

Lily did great on the long ride back from Florida. During our lunch break we laid her on the table so she could get a nice break from the car seat. When she got tired of that view, Grandma held her while she took a little nap.

Last night in Florida

Here are some pictures from our last night in Florida; Lily couldn't hide her sadness.

Cute little fishes

How cute is this little fish outfit from Cory Banta? And could Lily be any cuter???

Sleeping at Grills

One of my must stops while in Cocoa Beach is Grills (order the grilled fish, bacon wrapped scallops, spicy tuna roll and a margarita). Lily slept through both trips.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Jetty Park with Grandma

We went over to Jetty Park one afternoon and just sat by the channel watching the boats, people fishing and the occasional turtle. Lily had the perfect little outfit for the occasion.

Back from Florida

We got back last week after another long ride in the car. Lily was a trooper and did really well. Glenn was so excited to see us (ok, Lily, lol) and Lily was all smiles for him our first night home. I still have quite a few pics to post from our trip and will try to get them most of them up today.

Happy Belated Mother's Day

Happy belated Mother's Day! Here are a few pics taken before we went to brunch at the Proximity. It was a wonderful 1st Mother's Day and I couldn't help but get a little weepy when I opened the cards from Lily and Glenn. I absolutely love being a mom, more than I ever could have imagined.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Bathing beauty

The Pool

Lily dipping her toes in the pool...