Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, January 7, 2010

So where have we been??

Well, all over the place! The holidays were wonderful and hectic as usual. We spent Thanksgiving in VA with the Rice clan and followed the usual feast with a suprise baby shower! BabyG received so many cute gifts and the start to what would quickly become quite the wardrobe. We had xmas dinner with my parents, Jimmy & Becky on 12/20 and then traveled up to NJ for xmas. The ride wasn't quite as bad as I had anticipated, but, I'm glad I won't be making that trip again until BabyG is here. It was great seeing Glenn's parents, Grandma and Brianna. This was the first time they've seen me in all my pregnant glory so it had to have been pretty shocking. Glenn's mom threw me a baby shower on the Saturday after xmas and we got to see so many relatives we haven't seen since the wedding! It meant so much to me. BabyG was once again showered with wonderful gifts! Then came the ride back home, slightly more painful since BabyG was trying to deflate my lung for the last few hours of the trip, lol. Next thing we knew, it was New Year's Eve. After some juicy burgers at Red Robin we settled in over at my parents to hang out and wait for the ball drop. I wasn't sure if I could make it to midnight, but, after a few glasses of sparkling cider I was ready to go. Sunday the 3rd was another shower for BabyG thrown by my mom & Becky. We ran around like crazy getting things done, making decorations and preparing food and it was worth it. Everything came out perfectly. And yes, BabyG received even more wonderful gifts. Pictures to follow.....

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