Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Santa Baby

Our local Christmas station is running a Santa Baby contest and Lily is in the top 20! Help us move closer to number 1 by voting. You can vote at;; and/or Once you register voting is simple, Lily is contestant 200. Technically you can vote at all three websites from as many email addresses as you have every now that you're done decorating and shopping and are wondering what do until Santa arrives, you can vote!

For my New Year's resolution I promise to stop compulsively entering Lily in every baby contest and begging for votes.

checkin out the tree

Lily is absolutely in love with the Christmas tree. Every single time she sees it her face lights up like it's the first time and she points and yells 'that?!?' Here she is lying on her side to get a better view of it.

fun with Daddy

Lily & Daddy taking a little break from the holiday decorating to have some fun

A quick trip to Home Depot

Lily was loving riding in the cart and waving to everyone

Lily & Sammy the Snowman

Friday, December 10, 2010


"Hey Great Grandma, don't you try to take my cup"

"Put the camera away! I'm trying to eat"

"Turkey coma"

"Yum, turkey!!"

"Hey Daddy, where's the food?"

Friday, December 3, 2010

Really? Again?

Wasn't I in this bowl once before?!?

Grandpa's back

a walk in the park

Just Ducky

Lily needs your votes!

Lily has entered the Gerber Generation Photo search and needs your help! Please visit and search by entering Lily and Greensboro in the search fields. Once her adorable picture comes up click on it, then on the vote button and enter the required information. You will be sent an email that contains the official voting link so please remember to click that link before the end of the day so your vote is counted. You can vote once per day and Lily would appreciate as many votes as you can help her get. Voting opens today!

Monday, November 15, 2010

8 Months

Wow, here we are at 8 months already (soon to be 9!). Buncher isn't crawling just yet, but, she is working on figuring it out - rocking on her hands and knees, pulling herself with her arms, and rolling after you if all else fails. She has one lonely tooth (bottom middle), but, between that and all of our 'whose a big girl' talk, she has begun the move to real food. At dinner she refuses baby food and is now sampling a variety of diced items. She still waves to herself and has begun pointing at things (especially lights and trees) and giving everyone the 'tell me what that is' look. She continues to say 'dada' constantly and still only says 'mama' when she's crying. She's been working on a 'b' sound lately, but, I'm not sure where that's going (my guesses include - Babe, Bunchy, and Booby, lol).

Sunday, November 14, 2010

7 Months

As I was preparing to upload some 8 month photos I realized I had never actually posted the 7 month ones, so here they are! 7 months brought the true beginning of teething, but, the first tooth didn't really surface until closer to 8 months.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Happy Halloween

Cutest pumpkin in the patch

Halloween practice

Practicing being scary for Halloween

what are you about to do?

looks like she's plotting something, doesn't it?

She loves the Silly FIsh

"Sit down and I'll read this story to you"

"Yeah, my new favorite book"

more cuteness from TN...

Learnin to ride

"oh look, Mommy taking another picture"

"Can we go a little faster or what?"

"You sure I don't need a license for this?"
Lily and her Daddy having some fun posing for photos with his scooter in TN.