Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, February 17, 2011

it's a party!

We wish everyone could be here to celebrate....we'll update with pictures of the party.


  1. Sure wish we could be there... I can NOT believe Lily is going to be ONE already in just a few short days.... and I have never met her yet :(
    Please include lots of pictures of her BIG DAY!! Wanna feel like I'm there with you all having a HOOT :)

    Love ya's
    Aunt Cathy
    PS don't for get a few pictures of Bella too!! :) Please & Thank you!

  2. HAPPY 1st. Birthday Little one.. :) I can't wait to see ALL your Birthday party pictures!! Your Great Uncle Jeff had a few posted on Facebook... But they were too small to really see... Tell mommy Great Aunt Cathy wants to see PICTURES!!!! LOL Love you Baby Girl.. Have a WONDERFUL BIRTHDAY!! :)
    Great Aunt Cathy
