Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, January 29, 2010

A few pics of BabyG

These pictures are from a 3D ultrasound place here in Greensboro and were taken around 31 weeks. The day before our scheduled appointment I became convinced that BabyG had flipped to a head up position which means good pictures can't be obtained. The tech confirmed this immediately and we had to reschedule. I spent the next week hanging upside down off of the couch to encourage her to flip back to head down and luckily it worked.


  1. This is so AMAZING!! How cute.. she looks like something didn't taste so good... LOL Wonder if she will be a thumb sucker?? TOO SWEET <3 Thanks for sharing her with us :) Hope you have been feeling good... won't be long now!!

  2. WOW those are some great pictures. i cant wait unil she is here, almost. that is so funny about hanging from the couch, that must have made you dissy
    love always

  3. Hi Alicia...I am typing with Leah...a message..
    could you please tell me the baby name...does your baby have an itch on her nose...and I love you three girls (You, Becky and AuntLaura) very much hug kiss hug kiss xoxo
    I hope you have a pleasant day and I want to see you very much it would be so so so good to just see you, just see Leah
