Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, December 7, 2009

Preparing Babe for Baby

My cockatiel Babe is in for a rude awakening when the baby arrives. She has spent the last year being the 'baby' and center of attention. Constantly on my shoulder when I'm not working she thinks anything I have is hers as well and I am starting to get pretty worried about how she will react to the baby and lack of attention. While I was cleaning out a dresser last weekend to use in the nursery, I found one of Brianna's old dolls and thought I had come up with the perfect plan. I would hold the doll and have Babe on my shoulder to teach her she couldn't walk all over the 'baby' (and therefor poop all over the baby). So I get Babe on my shoulder and pick up the doll....the hissing from Babe is so constant that I'm not sure if she's really hissing or if it's possible that she's hyperventilating. Then she took off flying and for the first time ever ran away from me. Ok, day 1 of the experiment was short lived; I didn't want to find out if I could actually give her a heart attack.
We've been working up to a little more 'baby' time each day and after a week and half there is some slight improvement. She stays on my shoulder now and stares nervously down at the 'baby' for a bit...there is still the occasional hiss but she usually just closes her eyes (if she can't see it, it must not be there, lol). I'm sure all of this will be out the window once the baby arrives and doesn't lay motionless and silent, but, at least she'll be in the habit of keeping her distance.


  1. LOL that is so funny!! Yes she will NOT be a HAPPY bird when she has to share her Mommy with a NEW little person.. LOL Good thing you are starting to prepare her now... But your right.. the baby will not be laying motionless and quiet... it will take some getting used to for sure... Her BEAK will be out of joint (so to speak) LOL Good Luck Alicia!!
    Thanks for the NEW up date!! :)

  2. hey this is brianna i have a blog now for spanish class
