Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Sunday, February 26, 2012

The Children's Museum

Some quiet puzzle time

Crawling through the sensory tunnel

flying an airplane and watching it on the TV

sitting on the train

mailing letters

driving the police car

driving the fire truck

'working' lol

and finally, driving the cozy coupe

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Twinkle, twinkle, little star

tonight Lily sang twinkle twinkle little star for us (it made me cry). Once I broke out the camera she got shy and was whispering it, so turn up your volume.

she's a big girl now

You know how everyone always asks if you feel different after your birthday? Apparently Lily does...she requested a big girl chair tonight when we were sitting down to dinner. Notice the hat? It comes off for bathtime, that's about it. She even sleeps holding it.

Birthday Cake


Party Room

Party at School

The birthday girl enjoying her cupcakes at school. The hat was one of the little things she opened before school, we had no idea it would be such a hit.

Good Morning Birthday Girl

Monday, February 20, 2012

Happy 2nd Birthday 'eve'

Someone is looking forward to birthday cake (and apparently cookies as well) tomorrow. A sticker fenzy was unleashed to complete the birthday countdown calendar.

swingin at the park

some valentine's day follow up

just take the picture already

Happy Valentine's Day from Nonny & Poppy

more presents after bath time


and awesome heart shaped crayons!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

some Valetine's gifts

bubble bath


 I'm taking you down, Daddy

Get up! This isn't over 

Now I've got you