Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Sharing my doughnut with the ducks

Elmo & Cheerios

The Aquarium

Lily absolutely loved the aquarium. She ran from tank to tank yelling 'fish' followed by signing & saying 'more, more'. She was amazed by everything....seahorses (she thinks they say 'neigh'), fish, penguins, and she fell in love with sharks.........

Monday, August 8, 2011

but these shoes match my outfit


relaxin with some cheerios

lovin cousin Bella

cousin Bella

playing in the pool

'see, isn't that ladle so much fun?'

'grandpa, don't you want to get in the pool?'


4th of July Parade

'I hear there's going to be a parade'

'umm, are you sure this is going to be fun?'

'wow, I love the parade!'

'I totally could have been in this parade'

post parade pass out

Splashing Grandma

Riding in the car

'wait, how much longer?'

my tongue

Friday, August 5, 2011