Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

taking a few steps

tiny reader

coloring on the kids menu

Checkin out the slide

Clearly Buncher is not yet aware of the fun to be had on a slide.

still lovin the swings

Feeding the geese

 Aunt Becky, the goose whisperer

Bunchy was safely behind this bench...she wasn't interested in sharing her snacks

Sing along

Blueberry Yogurt Pretzels

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

home sick

Lily was home 'sick' today and as you can see, she was just as mischievous as ever.

the balls on the bus?

And if you need to steer, just shove the ball in your mouth, lol

When you can't decide between riding the bus or playing with the ball, attempt to do both. Who cares if the bus and the ball are almost the same size.

a walk in the park

after a few days of rain, Lily and I enjoyed a walk in the park. We saw a whole lot of baby geese, and Lily enjoyed sharing her cheerios with them.

ice pops make everything better

Going out to dinner

Here are some pictures from Mother's day. Yes, I know, there are no pictures of Lily and mom from Mother's day. Anyway, we had a lovely dinner at Brixx. Lily enjoyed driving her car on the table and coloring with Daddy after she inhaled a slice of pizza.


how cute are baby feet? Lily always has her feet crossed like this and I had to snap a's just too cute

Yum, shredded cheese

getting ready for bed

On Daddy's Motorcycle

Sunday, May 1, 2011

The Easter Bunny came to visit

"Wait a minute; what do you mean I'm the Easter Bunny? 

Lily's Easter Basket 

Corn on the Cob

The first taste

Now she's really getting in to it 

 That ear of corn is almost clean and you can see by the expression she is over the pictures documenting every bite

Even Babe loves some corn on the cob

Dancing in the park

We were walking around dowtown a few weekends ago and stumbled upon a dance school performing in the park. Lily absolutely loved it. She was holding on to the front of the stroller performing her signature moves - pointy toed foot stomping, super fast squats and hip thrusting like you've never seen, lol.

Ashleigh's Party

Lily & Ashleigh

The birthday girl was kind enough to share her birthday tiara with Lily

At the pool (yes, it's Florida again)