Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, March 21, 2011

It's Spring

Contemplating the wonder of the outside world

Just chillin

Cleaning up the flower petals

A flower for Mommy


Spring weather is here so we spent some time hanging outside with Bunchy. She loves being outside and watching everything, but, hates the feel of the grass (especially on her feet, just like Mommy)

Watch out Babe!

Lily loves Babe....Babe is terrified of Lily

ah, we found the red one!

This red circle, referred to as 'the red one' has been missing for quite some time. It finally resurfaced and Bunchy was thrilled.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Finally, a little more hair

Here's evidence of a little more hair finally coming in styled by remnants of dinner

Happy St Patty's Day

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

the last present

"Yes Grandma, I'd love a cup of tea"

"thanks, I'll take the cheesecake"

"wow, a tea pot"

we saved one last present for Lily to open after dinner and cake

some more cake

"Yeah, I love cake!"

and smeared it all over her face (and hair) in her cake eating frenzy

This time she knew exactly what to do and dug right in

and we couldn't leave...

without stopping at the gift shop. Lily quickly snagged this parrot and stuck it right in her mouth so Grandpa & Grandma bought it for her.

the best of the science center

was the water fountain, lol

fun at the science center

more birthday girl

On her actual birthday we took Lily over to the science center (small zoo) wearing her 1st Birthday sash.