Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

even more presents

Here's Lily opening her present from Glenn & I on Monday morning. It's a drum full of fun instruments....the 'egg' maracas were a clear favorite

More presents?

"mom, this is not going in the recycling bin! I love it!"

the morning after the party began with a touch of confusion over what the actual toy was...Lily voted for the empty box, I sided with the actual fill & spill mailbox.


Lily's cousin Leah was showing her how to play with the new toys

look at her face, she still can't believe the tag isn't the present, lol

Lily's not sure why the tag isn't the actual present

wearing some fun bugs that she had just opened

pausing to read the card

Lily's cousins were happy to help open the presents

Lily's making sure we read the card


"Seriously, I LOVE cake!"

"I love cake"

"Umm, there's some icing on my cup?"

"Oh, did you want a piece too?"


"So, I can really put this whole piece in my mouth?"

The Cake

Welcome to the party

The birthday party was a success! Lily loved being the center of attention and visiting with everyone.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

it's a party!

We wish everyone could be here to celebrate....we'll update with pictures of the party.

Friday, February 4, 2011

the remote


"Fine, I'll just get it myself"

"Seriously, hand over the remote"

"Look at how cute I am...don't you want to give me the remote?"

Lily's tiny bottle

About a week ago I was scrambling to find something to occupy Lily with on the changing table....all I could come up with was this tiny bottle (technically meant to dispense medication). She has been obsessed with it ever since. She will crawl with one hand so the other hand can hold the tiny bottle, she chugs water from the tiny bottle....have I mentioned she wants nothing to do with a real bottle, lol


so what kind of snacks do we have....