Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Block Head

"mommy, what the heck is that block doing on your head?"

Uh Oh.....

now that she's discovered the stairs it will only be a matter of time

Messy Face

'I love pasta'

'and prunes too'

Nanook of the north

'Super Nanny, aka Aunt Sue'


Leah's Birthday Party

"yum, cupcake icing"

"little miss independent"

"petting the bunny, very gently"

this super cute, super tiny bunny ran right over and into Bunchy's lap, it was the cutest thing ever

Last weekend we went to Leah's birthday party. It was the largest even that Lily has attended - there were kids, balloons, bunnies, cake....she LOVED it.


Just chillin out

Gratuitous Cuteness

The Daddy's & their girls

Christmas Cutie

two more cute shots from Christmas

Lily's first sled

"woah, slow down!"

Lily's first Christmas was also a white Christmas so we had to take her for a sleigh ride....only problem was we didn't have a sled. Glenn headed out to the garage and we had a 'sled' a few minutes later, lol.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Enjoying her toys

A pretty Christmas dress

Merry Christmas with Mommy & Daddy

"A toothbrush? Seriously, a toothbrush"

"You can have a Christmas kiss, but, don't try to take away this shoe"

Christmas morning

Santa left Lily a whole lot of presents and she wasn't quite sure what to make of it. She would open a few presents, take a break, open a few more....this continued through the 26th, lol.

Christmas Eve

Here's Lily opening her firsts few presents on Christmas Eve. We were all clapping as she opened the presents and since she couldn't quite figure out how to clap, she held her hands out and opened & closed them over and over (the top two pics). She still does this when she wants us to clap for her, it's too cute.

Wrapping Paper

"am I in trouble?"

"this looks like fun"

Just some cute pics

Waiting for Christmas

Lily just loved staring at the Christmas tree

Yup, she's staring at the tree again

Only thing better than staring at the tree is actually touching it

Next year I imagine she'll be more excited about the presents than the tree

Yes, I know these pictures are late...very late. What can I say? So now I'll try to catch back up.....

Visiting Daddy at work

"Glad work is over"
"There's no time for lunch Daddy; the AHT targets are off!"

"I've got this under control"