Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Two weeks ago we spent a long weekend in Tennessee. Here are a few pics taken by the river at our motel. The scenery was beautiful and the fall leaves were stunning.

hmm, let me think about it

a priceless photo of Buncher (yes, Buncher is her nickname) at a Cracker Barrel on our way to Tennessee

We laugh, we sing, we play the drum

Rocking out with my drum

The song is really going now

So into my music I didn't realize my drum is upside down

chillin after an awesome jam session

no more pictures til my next set

Just reading my book...

Hey, wait a minute, am I sitting in a bowl??

I love to just chill with my books

Lily & Grandma

Having fun with Grandma

a trip to the park

Back on 10/4, my last day before returning to work, we went to the 'duck pond'. We fed the ducks and geese (yes, technically that part was illegal), went down the slide (notice the death grip I have on buncher) and swung in the swings; all firsts for Miss Lily.

Lily & Babe

Babe wanting to try a puff so badly that she jumped right onto the highchair tray to snag it

You talkin to me?

Thursday, October 14, 2010

a new friend

I'll bite his arm to solidify our newfound friendship

Hey, I think this monkey wants to be my friend

Wow, who are you?

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

What's so funny?

Aunt Becky banging a little curtain rod on the table....guess you had to be there


Here is photo documentation of Lily's first puffs - technically the first real solid food she's ever had. She wasn't so sure about the texture and more puffs ended up in her lap than in her mouth. Now she loves them so we're getting ready to add some new finger foods to the mix.

Young Mozart?

ok, probably not, but she loves to play with the keyboard

Lily's new bathtub

Testing out the new ducky tub in the middle of the den

How cute am I??

Lily & Daddy