Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, April 30, 2010

Lily & Grandpa

Here are some pics of Lily and Grandpa hanging out while my mom and I went to Taste of the Space Coast (and ate til we were ready to explode. No seriously, we sampled food from 28 of 30 available vendors).

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Today's outfit

Lily has so many cute outfits that I feel compelled to document them. Here is today's selection for a sunny, but, windy day in Florida.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

My 1st Sunglasses

I Love Daddy

Lily & Grandma

Lily falling asleep with Grandma to avoid burping

Lily watching Grandma to make sure that pacifier isn't coming back

Hello Kitty

Aunt Laura & Leah gave Lily a Hello Kitty stuffed animal while we were still in the hospital. When we got home, we put Hello Kitty on the changing table so she would always be a friendly face during diaper changes. Well, Lily just loves to babble to Hello Kitty, so we had to bring her to Florida with us. Here are some pics of them hanging out and Lily really noticing her own hand for the first time.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Tummy Time in Florida

Tummy time in Florida was slightly more successful than previous attempts, lol. Lily was still much happier once we returned her to her back so she could look around.

Sun Protection

Lily did not find the sun hat to be as cute as I did....

Grandma & Lily

Grandpa & Lily

Mommy & Lily

It got so windy we had to wrap Lily up in the blanket

Saturday, April 24, 2010


Lily likes to vacation jut like her Daddy...sleep in, laze around, take a nap, repeat.


Lily and I are on our first vacation to Florida. Our trip started with the drive down and quite a few stops. After 13 hours we finally arrived. Lily did pretty well until the very end of the mom had to climb into the back seat and hold the pacifier in her mouth for the last 2 hours, lol. We stopped to visit Aunt Sue at Kelly's and Lily got to help out as a guest bartender.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Tummy Time

Lily loves to be on her tummy on Glenn and I. Official tummy time on the mat is another story altogether.

2 Months!

How could 2 months have gone by already? It seems unbeleivable.

Could Lily be any cuter???

So, I may be slightly biased, but, how much cuter can she get???

Uncle Jimmy & Aunt Becky

Lily's first bottle

Lily had her first bottle the night of 4/17. Being concerned that she may not accept it after almost 8 weeks of nursing, I only set up 2 oz for her. She sucked that down in about 3 seconds flat (clearly she has my appetite).

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

It's official

We got our first real smile from Lily this week! Now we spend just about every waking minute trying to get her to smile again, and again, and again.

Monday, April 5, 2010

So, whose in charge here?

Lazy morning's with Daddy

Lily and Daddy were spending a lazy morning snuggling in bed. As usual Daddy could not stop kissing Lily and Mommy could not stop taking pictures. Clearly Lily had had enough and just wanted to relax.